Hooray for Creme Brulee!
4 egg yolks
3/4 cup heavy cream
1/3 cup bourbon barrel aged maple syrup
1 Teaspoon bourbon
2 teaspoons white sugar
Preheat oven to 350 degrees F, and put about 4 cups of water on to boil.
In a medium glass bowl combine all 4 egg yolks. Mix until smooth, but be careful not to over-whisk, a little will do.
Scald heavy cream over the stove. Bring it up to 180 degrees, or until bubbles just begin forming around the outside of your pan. Immediately remove from heat.
Add maple and bourbon to heated cream, stir until well blended.
Gently mix cream into egg yolk mixture, try to get it well blended without creating too many bubbles.
Run mixture through a cheese cloth make sure you have a perfectly smooth consistency.
Place ramekins in a brownie pan, or other oven-safe dish with high walls.
Pour cream mixture into ramekins. It should fill one 6 oz ramekin, or two 3 oz ramekins.
Fill brownie pan about half way with boiled water, and place the whole pan (carefully) in the oven— don’t let water splash into your creme brulee!
Bake at 350 for 45-50 minutes, and then let cool in the water bath before refrigerating.
Refrigerate for 8 hours (or overnight) then remove from fridge and let it warm up for about 30 minutes.
Sprinkle with white sugar, making sure it it spread evenly.
Torch it! Use kitchen torch on low to caramelize the sugars, rotating the dish as needed to get a uniform finish. Let cool for a minute, then crack and enjoy!